Tag Archives: weight loss

Weight Loss Monday (on, y’know, Wednesday), Part 9

I lost about three-fourths of a pound over the last week, which is slow for me, but there was a big contributing factor: I was at a convention. Four days! This is going to be an issue, I think. It’s very easy, at cons and shows, to rationalize overeating. Since I’m an introvert, cons are inherently stressful. I enjoy them, but there is stress. So when I’m at a gas station, and I see some candy, I get it. And then, because I don’t have access to my kitchen, I end up eating at a restaurant, which rarely has healthy choices. And if I go out with other people? Add some beer into the mix. Lastly, at cons, I don’t exercise – no bike, no gym. So, duh, it’s harder to lose weight at a convention!

However, I managed to do it, if only a little.  So, yay!  Hashtag goals or somesuch.

Still, before the con, I did ride 94.8 miles that week, though I didn’t do any lifting.

Which is a boring update, which is probably why it’s so late!

Weight Loss Tuesday, Part 9

Bike stats! In the last week, I rode 224.38 miles. I lost 3.8 pounds – I gained weight last time, and I did want to reverse THAT trend, thus the two hundred miles of riding in a week. I didn’t lift but. . . 224.38 miles on my bike in seven days! Forgive me that “lapse!”

In the coming week, I won’t get much riding done.  I messed up the XStream a bit – the problem with fiddling with things is somethings you get in over your head.  The bike isn’t damaged, but if I ride it in its current state it could become damaged, and since I’m going to be leaving Thursday for InConJunction. . . well, it won’t get fixed until next week.  My workout next week will be light.

Continue reading Weight Loss Tuesday, Part 9

Weight Loss Monday, Part 8, with weight GAIN!

I crossed a couple of thresholds this workout period. Since starting this experiment eight weeks ago, I’ve ridden over a thousand miles and burned over one hundred thousand calories on those rides. Which means I’m riding an average of 132 miles a week! I think that’s pretty cool, even if. . .

This past week, I rode 132.2 miles, worked out for 120 minutes, burned 15,780 calories and GAINED, yes, gained 1.8 pounds.

It is an object lesson on the importance of diet. No matter how much you exercise, you can sabotage yourself with diet.

Continue reading Weight Loss Monday, Part 8, with weight GAIN!

Weight Loss Monday, Part 7

The best news is that when taking my blood pressure and pulse, my BP was 106/72 and my resting pulse was 62.  Not only am I losing weight, my cardio fitness is great!  It’s weird to me that I don’t have the body of an athlete (albeit a weekend warrior), but the abilities of one.

Last week, I rode 118.3 miles and lifted twice for a recorded time of 120 minutes, which burned 13,235 calories according to Map My Ride. I lost 2.6 pounds, which is 1 pound for every 5,090 calories.

Continue reading Weight Loss Monday, Part 7

Weight Loss Monday (Back to Monday!), Part 6

Well, I’m getting back to a Monday schedule for this!

I rode 78.94 miles. I know! Under a hundred! But this is just Thursday to Sunday, not a full week, right? Right. Also, with the Cruzbike, I’ve decided to “ease” myself into the rides a little, let myself get more used to the bicycle, so I’m not jumping back to sixty-mile rides immediately. Anyway, that amount of riding used 7804 calories theoretically.

Continue reading Weight Loss Monday (Back to Monday!), Part 6

Weight Lost Monday (uh, Thursday?), Part 5


I was initially going to start this post with comments about my new used bike, the Cruzbike Sofrider whose name is Rhino, and then some thoughts about the perils of calorie calculations BEFORE giving my weight data. But it turned into a rant, so I’m going to do weight numbers, first!

Over the past eight days, I’ve ridden 211.91 miles (not a typo), which used 23,362 calories according to MapMyRide. I’ve lost 2.6 pounds, which is a pound lost for every 8,985 calories. Which is HORRIBLE accuracy.  It’s off by more than 100% for this week! Overall, I’ve lost 13.4 pounds since May 25th, which (overall) is a pound lost for every 5,771 calories. Which, overall, is also awful accuracy, being off by 61%.

Continue reading Weight Lost Monday (uh, Thursday?), Part 5

Weight Loss Monday (well, Tuesday, but who’s checking?), Part 4

A day late because I was traveling this weekend.

For the next couple of weeks, probably, the numbers might be a little wonky. My new bike is more challenging to ride, but I’ll be doing the 20-mile rides on it with my wife! I won’t be having the same intensity as before, not until I get comfortable on the Cruzbike Sofrider.

Continue reading Weight Loss Monday (well, Tuesday, but who’s checking?), Part 4

Weight Loss Monday, Part 3

My weekly post about losing weight, exercise, etc.!

Before I get to the numbers, I’m gonna say that this whole experience has confirmed in my head that being overweight is, primarily, a disease. Since part of what creates the disease is bad upbringing, and due to society saying that being overweight is a matter of character and not physiology and psychiatry, for most of my life, I have believed that the flaw was in my heart and soul. That if I had “willpower,” I would be able to overcome my urge to overeat or, at least, exercise a lot more than I had.

Continue reading Weight Loss Monday, Part 3

Weight Loss Monday, Part 2!

Weight post! Ending May 7th, that week I rode 105.42 miles and burned (via MapMyRide) 10,450 calories. I lost 3.9 pounds, which means that I lost a pound for every 2679 calories recorded. (A pound of fat is 3500 calories, BTW.)

This is slightly weird. The week before, I rode nearly sixty more miles and lost 2.5 pounds – for one pound of weight for every 9692 calories used on my bicycle. I know that local variation can be significant, but during the past week, I ALSO went to a show – so I spent the whole weekend eating steak and lasagne without getting on my bicycle once. So I am pretty surprised I lost 40% more weight with that much less exercise.

I’ll continue to update my progress, but it seems out of whack. Though, to some extent, that is what I expected.  Still, data!

Weight-Loss Monday!

It’s Weight-Loss Monday, my hopefully weekly blog post about how my weight loss is going, and the experiment to judge the whole “food in, exercise it off” thing that we’re told.

Some notes on how I’m doing this: I’ll get up, calculate the miles that were ridden and approximate calories expended using the data from MapMyRide.com as recorded from my bike computer. I will relieve myself, then weigh myself, and record the result. Then I’ll write a post about it! I will try to do this every Monday. The details are at the end if you want to skip the methodology part.

Continue reading Weight-Loss Monday!