Summary of Atlas Shrugged, Chapter 1

atlas4Dagny Taggert: Hi! I’m Dagny and I have great legs and stormy gray eyes!

James Taggert: I don’t care if the train line fails because we’ve got to HELP PEOPLE. (<- things said by no railroadman in the history of railroadmen)

Dagny: I ordered rails from the OH-SO-DREAMY Hank Reardon! And they’re not steel! They’re REARDON METAL. Despite being an alloy, it’s cheaper than steel and lasts longer!

James: Uh, that’s not what the scientists say.

Dagny: I FEEL that it’s special! And I saw the Reardon Steel reports and no company would EVER lie about their reports, nope, no way, and scientists are eggheads. Who needs ’em?

Bum: Who is John Galt?

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