Tag Archives: critical botch

My favorite D&D Twitch stream is…

Critical Botch, GM’d by Brandon Culter with players including Peter Avalon, Orange Cassidy, Leva Bates, Chuckie Taylor, Colt Cabana, and Trent.

They are professional wrestlers.

What I enjoy the most is the sheer honesty of the feed.  In my four-decades experience from coast-to-coast, if you pick up a D&D game, this is what it looks like.  Critical Botch is what D&D looks like.  No prevarication, no bullshit, this is what D&D looks like.  (Well, excepting that the players are probably, on whole, far less attractive than the overall hotness that is the AEW cast.)

It’s silly but also funny and fun.  Y’all rock.